Опубликован: 24.09.2008 | Уровень: специалист | Доступ: платный
Дополнительный материал 3:

Перечень стандартов программной инженерии

ISO/IEC 12207:1996 Information Technology - Software life-cycle processes;

DTR 15271 Information Technology - Guide for ISO/IEC 12207 (Software Life Cycle Processes);

IEEE/IEA Std. 12207.1:1997 Software Life Cycle processes - Life Cycle data;

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 N2172a (Draft ISO/IEC TR 16326:1999). Software Engineering - Guide for the Application of ISO/IEC 12207 to Project Management;

ISO/IEC TR 15504 Information Technology - Software Process Assessment Part 1 - Part 9;

IEEE Std. 1058:1998 IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans;

IEEE Std. 1044:1993 IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies;

IEEE Std. 1044-1:1995 IEEE Guide to Classification for Software Anomalies;

ISO/IEC 15026:1998 Information Technology - System and Software Integrity Levels;

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 N2207:1999 IEC 60300: Dependability management - Part 3-13: Application Guide - Project risk management;

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 N2198: 1999 2nd Working Draft оn Risk.

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